Parle-G Advertising Journey: A Tale of Innovation and Nostalgia

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For decades, Parle-G Advertising Journey has been the darn tooting biscuit in India with billions of memorable ads courtesy the brand. Parle G grew from print advertisements in the initial years to using contemporary campaign styles overdosed on digital aspects. This, however, did not stop the brand from evolving with the times. This is a new marketing strategy that aligns with the current trend and requirements of society. In this blog post, discover the important events and creative changes that have taken place during advertising of Parle-G and the reasons why it continues to stand as an Indian snack in every household.

Parle-G: The Biscuit of the Masses


The history of Parle-G dates back to 1929 when Mohanlal Dayal Chauhan founded Parle Products in the city of Mumbai. At first, the company produced glucose biscuits called Parle Gluco. In the 1980s, the name was changed to Parle-G and the G was claimed to stand for Glucose, with a brand slogan of G for Genie, further establishing the image of sustenance and energy.

From the beginning till date, Parle-G has trying hard to create the image of being a snack which the common man can afford. At a time when several people could not afford biscuits, let alone buy them, Parle-G’s low-pricing strategy and its target audience appealed to so many people that it became a household name in India.

The Early Days: Building a National Identity

The first major milestone in the Parle-G Advertising Journey history of Parle-G biscuits was the 80s when the company debuted its first television advertisement (TVC) “Swaad Bhare Shakti Bhare.” The Everest Brand Solutions created this commercial that showed a grandfather with his grandchildren eating Parle G biscuits, a scene that appealed to all ages as it was touching and had goodwill.

The boy-now-adult-dreamer demographic was not the only focus of the brand’s primary advertisements. Such films appealed to family joys imbued with the warmth of sharing a biscuit with a spouse. Such campaigns earlier made sure that Parle-G became a household name all over India.

The Iconic Parle-G Girl

A dominant visual hammer in the advertising voyage of Parle G is the figure of ‘Parle G Girl’. This ‘parle G kid’ is seen on the biscuit packages and became part of the Parle G brand purpose. Although a lot of people wanted to know who she was, it turned out that the Parle G Girl is nothing more than a fictional character painted by Maganlal Daiya in the 1960s.

However, in many ways no explanation about her background was needed. She has long been the face of Parle-G brand and has appeared in most its advertisements and other marketing activities.

Digital Transformation: Parle-G Embraces the Digital Era

As digital media became adopted, Parle-G moved to a new model in the changing times and utilized the power of the internet. The company plastered many slogans like ‘#YouAreMyParleG’, aimed at getting consumers to tell them how Parle-G enhances their existence. This campaign deepened the brand’s relationship with its followers even more.

Two years later in 2018, Parle-G announced a new focus on “Genius Badal Raha Hai” (The Genius is Evolving) as it considered the number of people pouring onto digital space increasing. Engaging with the digital space that was fast expanding enabled Parle-G to appeal to the younger tech-savvy audience without struggling outside its core message of nourishment and energy.

Parle-G’s Continued Popularity: A Nostalgic Touch

Advertiser marketers attempted to grab the attention of potential customers and, as time went on, the Parle-G brand came to last a lifetime. For this purpose Ali propagated an initiative called Parle-G for the campaign “Wahi Pehli Wali Baat” in 2014, detailing that as there was a shift in society, There was a constant focus on how it was within humanity. This was done through many 5 seconds advertisements about biscuit commercials; a comfort biscuit which has maintained its place for years.

Parle-G Advertising Journey did a good job of using powerful historical imagery to redefine its message for the modern age and capture the attention of older customers and younger audiences alike. And whether it’s social media or billboards, Parle-G ads always manage to bring back the charm of the good old times.

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