December 4, 2024

Tanishq Advertising Journey

Tanishq Advertising Journey: Strong Memorable Campaigns

Tanishq Advertising Journey has spent more than two decades on creating an overwhelming ad journey that resonates with the audience and captures the changing times of Indian women. Tanishq established a fundamental principle at its very beginning — the core and essence of its being is to build strong women through powerful narratives and unforgettable

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Burger King Whopper Campaign

The Burger King Whopper Campaign: A Marketing Case Study

Burger King India’s Whopper Launch campaign was undoubtedly one of the most creatively engaging campaigns. It was appropriately timed with Valentine’s Day and leveraged the more relevant concept of “break-ups” in relation to the target audience which received 11.6 million impressions on Social Media. The Whopper positioning as a better than ‘average burgers’ was further

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