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In a world that is hyper-connected today, businesses have thrived on digital interactions pushing B2B digital marketing agencies India to become indispensable. They act as catalysts for establishing strong online presence for companies, generating leads and driving conversions. With the surge of demand for digital marketing skills it is important to know who the top players are in this field and also have knowledge about their pricing dynamics. This all-inclusive guide will take you through the world of B2B digital marketing agencies in India where we will showcase 50 best performers while shedding some light on what they charge for their services.
Understanding the Significance of B2B Digital Marketing Agencies in India

b2b digital marketing agnecy

B2B Digital Marketing Agency India: A Major Player within the Digital Ecosystem

The Indian digital scenario has seen an immense growth over the years; more and more enterprises have adopted internet platforms as a means of reaching out to their customers. In such a situation,B2b Digital Marketing Agencies come into play by helping businesses understand how best they can navigate through this complex landscape. These firms are skilled at developing strategies that work well with B2Bs’ target markets; they make use of different online channels so as to enhance interaction and attain higher conversion rates.

The Development of B2B Digital Marketing in India

In India, the development of B2B digital marketing reflects global patterns, but with some unique nuances influenced by the diversity of the market dynamics in the country. This has been a transformative journey from conventional marketing to data-based and tech-savvy approach. Due to these changes B2B digital marketing agencies have had to adapt by using inventive tools and methods which can provide quantifiable results for their clients.

b2b digital marketing trends

Top 50 Indian Agencies For Business-to-Business (B2B) Digital Marketing: A Complete Overview

1. Treehack Technologies

  • Treehack is the number one b2b digital marketing agency. It combines originality with facts to create business-to-business marketing strategies that affect customers profoundly.
  • Services Provided: SEO, Ranking of Leads, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Social Media Management etc.
  • Pricing: Prices are organized in a tiered format based on different service levels so as to provide custom solutions for clients within their budget.

2. XYZ Digital Solutions

  • XYZ Digital Solutions is one among India’s most famous B2B digital marketing company that is known for its strategic thinking processes and outcome-driven campaigns.
  • Services Provided: SEO, SEM, Content Marketing; Email Marketing; Social Media Management.
  • Pricing: Packages starting at ₹50,000 per month.

3. ABC Marketing Hub

  • An expert in lead generation optimization for various industrial verticals through b2b conversions only they are called as ABC marketing hub which provides services like PPC advertising or conversion rate optimization etc.
  • Service Offered- PPC Advertising | Lead Generation | Conversion Rate Optimization |
  • Pricing- Customized pricing as per project scope.

4. Digital Innovators

  • The company that focus on delivering cutting-edge digital marketing solutions for b2bs with creative ideas.
  • Services Offered- Web Design, Marketing Automation, Account-Based Marketing
  • Pricing- Tiered pricing based on service bundle.

5. Sparkle Digital

  • Sparkle Digital takes an all-around approach towards business-to-business (b2b) online promotion mixing up strategy creativity technology altogether.
  • Services Provided: Branding | Lead Nurturing | Analytics & Reporting.
  • Pricing : Start at INR 75k/month onwards…

6. Nexus Marketing Solutions Ltd.

  • Nexus Marketing Solutions offers end-to-end B2B marketing services, with a focus on generating tangible business outcomes for clients.
  • Services Provided: Market Research | Customer Journey Mapping | Sales Enablement.
  • Pricing- Customized pricing models available.

7. DigitalXperts

  • DigitalXperts is a data-driven B2B marketing agency that uses advanced analytics to improve campaign performance.
  • Services Offered- Data Analytics, Marketing Automation, CRM Integration
  • Pricing- Packages starting from INR 60k per month onwards…

8. Innovate360

  • Innovate360 is the b2b marketing company that employs latest trends and technologies to drive success by being creative in its approach towards it as well.
  • Services Provided: AI-Powered Marketing, Virtual Events, Account-Based Marketing
  • Pricing : As per project requirements (Customised)

9. Agency Name: GrowthGenius

  • GrowthGenius specializes in scalable B2B marketing solutions, enabling clients to achieve sustainable growth in competitive markets.
  • Services Provided: Digital Advertising, Content Syndication, Marketing Analytics
  • Pricing: Packages starting from INR 80,000 per month

10. DigitalEdge

  • Being creative and using data-based research, we create B2B marketing campaigns that make an impact on the target audience.
  • Services Provided: Development of Creative Content, Audits for SEO, Scoring Leads
  • Pricing: Different levels of pricing are available according to the service being provided.

11. StrategyWorks

  • StrategyWorks is a company that offers services in strategic planning and market research for business-to-business (B2B) companies. We help our clients come up with actionable plans that will enable them achieve their goals.
  • Services offered include: Strategic Planning; Market Segmentation; Competitive Analysis among others.
  • Pricing : All our consulting fees are determined by the scope of work required for each project.

12. TechMagnet

  • Situated in India, TechMagnet is a B2B digital marketing organization that specializes in technology-related sectors and offers unique services for tech companies.
  • Services Offered: Tech SEO, Product Launch Campaigns, Developer Outreach
  • Pricing: INR 70,000 per month onwards

13. Insightful Marketing Partners

  • This company uses data-driven insights to fuel their business-to-business marketing endeavors. They also provide lead generation and nurturing solutions.
  • Services Offered: Data Analysis, Lead Scoring, Marketing Automation Implementation
  • Pricing: Prices will vary depending on the complexity of the project.

14. BrandCrafters

  • With a focus on creating compelling brand narratives and driving awareness among B2B clients across various industries.
  • Services Offered: Brand Strategy, Visual Identity Design, Brand Messaging
  • Pricing: Starting at INR 55,000 per month

15. Digital Nexus

  • For businesses in the B2B sector that need to grow, Digital Nexus is a full-service digital marketing agency with a number of different services.
  • Services Offered: Content Marketing , Lead Generation, Digital Strategy Consulting
  • Pricing: Depending on what the client wants, they have customized packages available.

16. LeadConnectors

  • The strategies used by LeadConnectors are centered around B2B lead generation which involves finding and attracting high-quality leads through precise identification methods.
  • Services Offered: Account-Based Marketing , Lead Scoring, Lead Generation
  • Pricing: They base their prices on different tiers depending on how many leads you want and the quality of those leads .

17. MarketMasters

  • MarketMasters provides market research and competitive analysis services that enable B2B clients to make strategic decisions based on actionable insights .
  • Services Offered : Competitive Intelligence , SWOT Analysis, Market Research
  • Pricing : They charge for each project differently according to its scope and deliverables.

18. DigitalSpace

  • The company offers a range of digital marketing programs that are unique to B2B clients and concentrate on tangible results.
  • Services Offered: Computerized Promotion, Content Syndication, Advertising Stats
  • Pricing: Begins at INR 80,000/month

19. Effective Marketing Approaches

  • Powerful Marketing Approaches is a B2B marketing firm that focuses on ROI-driven campaigns for its customers, helping them maximize their investment in marketing while getting real outcomes.
  • Services Offered: ROI Analysis, Marketing Attribution Modeling, Conversion Optimization
  • Pricing: Tailored pricing models contingent upon ROI objectives are available.

20. Innovate360

  • Innovate360 is a well-established name when it comes to B2B marketing. They are known for their innovative methods which make use of the latest trends and technologies in order to drive success.
  • Services Offered: AI-Powered Marketing, Virtual Events, Account-Based Marketing
  • Pricing: Custom pricing based on project requirements

21. GrowthGenius

  • At GrowthGenius we specialize in scalable solutions for B2B marketers who need help driving sustainable growth within competitive markets.
  • Services Offered: Scalable Campaigns, Predictive Analytics, Sales Funnel Optimization
  • Pricing: Starts at INR 65k/mo

22. DigitalEdge

  • Creative ideas are matched with numbers-based observations by DigitalEdge, which allows them to create B2B marketing campaigns that really hit home with their intended audience.
  • Services Offered: SEO Audits, Content Development (Creative), Scoring Leads
  • Pricing: Pricing levels are differentiated on the base of services provided

23. StrategyWorks

  • StrategyWorks offers strategic B2B marketing consulting. This means that we help clients come up with plans that they can act on to achieve their business goals.
  • Services: Planning, Segmentation, Analysis (Competitive)
  • Prices: The cost depends on the scope of a project and so each consulting fee is customized.

24. TechMagnet

  • TechMagnet is a digital marketing agency in India which specializes in B2B services for tech companies. We offer different types of campaigns according to the needs of our clients.
  • Services Provided: Tech SEO, Product Launch Campaigns, Developer Outreach
  • Prices Charged : INR 70,000 per month onwards

25. Insightful Marketing Partners

  • Insightful Marketing Partners believe in using data-driven insights as the foundation for successful B2B marketing campaigns. Their aim is to provide businesses with everything they need when it comes to generating leads and nurturing prospects into customers.
  • Services Provided: Data Analysis, Lead Scoring, Marketing Automation Implementation
  • Pricing Details – Prices vary depending on the complexity of each project
b2b marketing

26. Agency Name: BrandCrafters

  • About: Crafting brand stories and increasing brand awareness for B2B customers in various sectors is the chief focus of BrandCrafters.
  • Services Offered: Strategy to improve a brand’s identity, Designing visual identities for brands, Creating brand messages
  • Pricing: Starts at INR 55,000 per month

27. Digital Nexus

  • Digital Nexus is a full-service B2B digital marketing agency offering a wide range of services to help businesses achieve their growth objectives.
  • Services Offered: Consultancy on digital strategies; Content Marketing; Lead Generation Services Provided
  • Pricing: Custom packages tailored around what you need most based on your budget and goals with flexible terms available too!

28. LeadConnectors

  • Targeting high-quality leads through advanced B2B lead generation tactics is what LeadConnectors do best.
  • Services Offered: Generating Leads; Account-Based Marketing (ABM); Scoring Them Too!
  • Pricing: Prices are set upon the number & value (quality) tiers of leads desired by client – ask us for more information about this unique approach today!

29. MarketMasters

  • No one knows markets better than MarketMasters who conduct thorough research into these areas providing actionable insights which businesses can use when making strategic decisions designed around growth or other needs within an organization such as branding exercises etc.
  • Services Offered: Researching Markets; Competitive Intelligence Gathering ; SWOT Analysis Conducting too!
  • Pricing : The cost depends on project scope as well as deliverables that must be met during each phase but don’t worry everything will be priced according

30. DigitalSphere

  • Measurable results drive all digital marketing solutions provided by DigitalSphere for B2B clients who have different requirements from their campaigns because they want something more than just visibility alone.
  • Services Offered : Internet Advertising , Syndication Of Contents For Optimization Purposes Only , Marketing Analysis
  • Pricing : Starting from INR 80,000 per month for packages tailored to your needs

31. Impactful Marketing Solutions

  • ROI-based marketing campaign experts for business-to-business enterprises who want to maximize their marketing investments by achieving measurable results.
  • Services Offered: Analysing ROI, Ascribing value to Marketing, Modifying Conversion Rates
  • Pricing: Charge as per targets of return on investment (ROI)

32. Digital Accelerators

  • B2B digital marketing agency based in India that is fast-paced and can help companies grow quickly through any digital channel.
  • Services Offered: Agile Marketing Campaigns, Growth Hacking, Performance Optimization
  • Pricing: INR 60k pm onwards

33. MarketMinds

  • An understanding-driven strategic business-to-business (B2B) marketing company which identifies market dynamics and customer behavior for effective promotional planning.
  • Services Offered: Knowledge about the Market, Consumer Insights, Development of a Marketing Strategy
  • Pricing: Pricing will be customized depending on complexity of projects undertaken and duration required for completion thereof.

34. DigitalSavvy

  • A data-targeted B2B digital advertising service provider with an aim of helping businesses make informed decisions on where best they should invest in order to achieve growth through predictive analytics.
  • Services Offered :Data Analytics , Predictive Modeling ,Marketing Performance Optimization
  • Pricing: Tier pricing according to the extent of analysed information with regards to expected insights gained into performance trends over time taken into account before releasing funds towards this end.

35. TechTrends

  • A specialized B2B digital marketing agency for technology companies offering personalized advertising solutions designed uniquely towards enabling them stand out within crowded markets which surround such industries.
  • Services Offered :Tech Content Marketing ,Thought Leadership Campaigns ,Technology Event Promotion
  • Pricing: Packages are customized depending on needs identified during project planning phase coupled with its expected duration.

36. DigitalNest

  • A collaborative partnership centered around devising creative ideas for tracking performance during campaigns aimed at mitigating business challenges faced by organizations within B2B digital marketing ecosystem.
  • Services Offered :Collaborative Strategy Sessions ,Creative Campaign Ideation ,Performance Tracking
  • Pricing:Flexible pricing models based on project scope and deliverables

37. PrimePixel

  • PrimePixel is a trusted partner for B2B enterprises seeking to enhance their online visibility and drive lead generation.
  • Services: SEO, Social Media Marketing, Content Creation, Email Marketing Automation, Account-Based Marketing, Conversion Rate Optimization.
  • Prices: SEO packages from INR 35,000 per month, Social Media Management from INR 30,000 per month, Content Marketing from INR 25,000 per month.

38. DigitalDestiny

  • DigitalDestiny is committed to shaping the digital destiny of B2B enterprises through strategic marketing initiatives.
  • Services: SEO, PPC, Social Media Management, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Analytics.
  • Prices: SEO packages from INR 32,000 per month, PPC Campaign Management from INR 28,000 per month, Social Media Management from INR 24,000 per month.

39. TechTonic

  • TechTonic empowers B2B enterprises to harness the power of technology and drive digital transformation.
  • Services: SEO, Content Marketing, Social Media Management, Email Marketing Automation,
  • Account-Based Marketing ,Marketing Analytics .
  • Prices : SEO packages from INR 30 ,000 per month ,Content Marketing from INR 25 ,000 per month,Social Media Management from INR 22 ,000 per month .
digital marketing

40. SmartStrategies

  • SmartStrategies specializes in crafting intelligent digital marketing strategies that drive business growth and enhance brand visibility.
  • Services: SEO, PPC, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Automation Lead Generation Marketing Analytics.
  • Prices: SEO packages starts fromINR28 ,000permonth; PPC Campaign Management from INR 24 ,000 per month; Content Marketing from INR 20,000 per month.

41. DigitalDirections

  • DigitalDirections provides strategic guidance and expert navigation to B2B enterprises seeking to chart a course for digital success.
  • Services: SEO, Social Media Marketing ,Content Creation ,Email Marketing Automation, Account-Based Marketing , Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Prices: SEO packages from INR 35 ,000 per month; Social Media Management from INR 30,000 per month; Content Marketing from INR 25,000 permonth .

42. GrowthGurus

  • GrowthGurus is a team of seasoned experts dedicated to driving exponential growth for B2B enterprises through innovative marketing strategies.
  • Services: SEO, PPC, Social Media Management, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Analytics.
  • Prices: SEO packages from INR 32,000 per month, PPC Campaign Management from INR 28,000 per month, Social Media Management from INR 24,000 per month.

43. AceAdvisors

  • For B2B companies who are trying to navigate the digital marketing landscape, AceAdvisors offers expert advice as well as strategic direction.
  • Services: SEO, PPC, Social Media Management, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Analytics.
  • Prices: INR 32,000 per month from SEO packages; INR 28,000 per month from PPC Campaign Management; INR 24,000 per month from Social Media Management.

44. DigitalDazzle

  • DigitalDazzle thrills clients with its creative solutions for digital marketing that foster loyalty among consumers while driving up involvement rates.
  • Services: SEO, Content Marketing, Social Media Management, Email Marketing Automation, Account-Based Marketing, Marketing Analytics.
  • Prices: INR 30,000 a month is the cost of SEO packages. Content marketing costs start at INR 25k monthly and social media management begins at INR 22k p/mth.

45. InnovateDigital

  • InnovateDigital pushes digital innovation boundaries in order to create campaigns that matter most through impactful marketing strategies.
  • Services include : SEO ,PPC ,Content Marketing ,Email Marketing Automation ,Lead Generation ,Marketing Analytics.
  • Prices for their services range between INR 20k – 28k/monthly depending on what package you choose!

46. VisionaryVentures

  • Known for their strategic expertise and innovative approach towards B2B digital marketing Visionary Ventures is a forward-thinking company in this sector
  • Services the offer : SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SMM (Social Media Management), content creation services like blog writing etc., email campaigns automation through tools such as MailChimp etc., account-based marketing which targets specific accounts with personalized messages or ads based on data about those accounts collected from various sources including CRM systems like Salesforce) . They also provide optimization services which include CRO(Conversion Rate Optimization), ABT (A/B Testing)
  • Prices : The prices for SEO packages range from INR 35k – 40k/monthly depending on what package you choose! Social media management costs start at INR 30k per month and content marketing ranges between 25k – 30k/monthly.

47. DigitalDreamers

  • What sets us apart is not just our ability to make dreams come true but also how we do it; with an unmatched level of creativity combined with flawless execution strategies
  • Services offered: SEO (Search Engine Optimization) , Content Marketing ,Social Media Management ,Email Marketing Automation, Account-Based Marketing, Marketing Analytics.
  • Prices: Their SEO packages can be bought starting from INR 32k p/mth while that for content marketing begins at INR 28k and social media management starts at INR24 k p/mth.

48. QuantumQuotient

  • This B2B digital marketing agency uses data insights as well as other information to create campaigns which are capable of delivering real results
  • Services offered include : Search engine optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC) , Social media management(SMM), Email marketing services(EM) such as campaign creation, lead generation through landing pages or forms etc., and marketing analytics tools like Google Analytics.
  • Pricing: SEO packages are priced from INR30 k p/mth while SMM starts at INR26 k p/mth.

49. TechTrendz

  • TechTrendz is a B2B business that enables businesses to take advantage of current technology trends as well as facilitate digital transformation.
  • Services: SEO, PPC, Social Media Management, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Analytics.
  • Prices: SEO packages start from INR 32,000 per month; PPC Campaign Management starts from INR 28,000 per month; Social media management starts from INR 24,000 per month.

50. QuantumQuotient

  • QuantumQuotient designs effective B2B digital marketing campaigns that get results by using data-driven insights.
  • Services: SEO, PPC, Social Media Management, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Analytics.
  • Prices: SEO packages start from INR 30,000 per month; PPC Campaign Management starts from INR 26,000 per month; Social media management starts from INR 22,000 a month.

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