Top 7 Best Web Development Courses:

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Web Development refers to the tasks which are associated with developing websites for hosting via intranet or internet. This process includes web design, web content development, client-side/server-side scripting and network security configuration, etc. Here is a list of top 7 best web development courses which can help you in your career:

1. Web Design courses: Build websites for yourself or clients (Udemy)

Udemy offers a lot of courses on web designing which includes web design tools, user experience, and web development, etc. They cover all the major aspects of web development which are required. The courses offered are applicable for beginners as well as the students at the advanced levels. The videos provided can be downloaded and referred whenever required. They also offer trending and top course recommendations which can help in better understanding. And the main point is that if at any point you don’t like the course there is a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Best udemy courses for web devlopment

2. The Web developer Bootcamp (Udemy):

If you want to learn web development, then this is one of the best courses. They will teach you various technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node JS, etc. This course is very well structured and taught and you won’t just watch the instructor doing the coding alone. But instead, it is a very interactive course that includes a good mix of theory sessions, exercises, research and practical hands-on. If you want to learn from scratch, then this is a very good option.

Web development Courses On Udemy

3. The Advanced Web developer Bootcamp (Udemy)

This is the advanced course of the previously mentioned course. In this, the instructor will teach you about advanced technologies like React 16, Redux, D3, ES2015, Testing, CSS Flexbox, Animations, SVG, AJAX, etc. The best part of this course is that you will get an opportunity to make real web applications using cutting edge technologies. You will build over 10 projects and have a lot of code challenges too. If you have a basic understanding, then this is one of the best-advanced courses in this field.

Advance web development Courses on Udemy

4. Web Designing and Diploma on Alison:

Alison offers a free web development course online. It helps the users to understand, build and create their own websites. They will teach you HTML, CSS and the other technologies required for a perfect web designing. The courses offered have a very good rating, level, and career links.

If you want a complete understanding of a very little time, then this is one of the best options.

Web Designing on Alison

5. Web Development – Ed2go:

This is perfectly customized and flexible course available in the market. You can easily select the type of course you want and then learn professional website design skills along with the required tool like Animation, Dreamweaver, etc. The training can be scheduled as per your convenience and you can also select a dedicated user as per your requirements. The duration of the courses is small, and you can finish then between 24 hours to about 6 weeks.

Web Development Courses on Ed2go

6. Learn Web design: Guided HTML, CSS and Design course (Treehouse):

Do you sometimes regret that why did you take a course as it is not helping you in a way that you thought? The course offered by Treehouse offers a 7-day free trial before you purchase any course. The courses offered to help you get started in the website development using HTML and CSS. They also have a supportive online community that consists of students. This helps in extensive learning together. The videos provided cover the web designing and development part for beginners as well as for experts. These videos can be downloaded once you pay for your course.

Learn how to code for web development on Treehouse

7. Web designing courses for beginners – Coursera:

Coursera is very famous for providing various online courses and certifications. They also offer several web development courses for which anyone can enroll. The courses offer a wide range of levels from beginners to advanced. The course includes the training of CSS, HTML, Javascript, Single page design, responsive web design, UX/UI design, design principals, etc. They support multiple languages for easy understanding and a 7-day free trial before you enroll for any course.

Best web design course online

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